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Team Members

Çadır Höyük Team

Many extraordinary people have offered their talents and hard work to make the Çadır Höyük excavations possible. Each has our gratitude!
Click Here for our team photos archive.

Collaborators, Specialists, Students and Friends

Sarah Adcock, Faunal Specialist (2012, 2013)
Songül Alpaslan-Roodenberg, Osteology Specialist (2009, 2012, 2013)
Amandina Anastassiades, Conversator (2001)
Carolyn Armstrong, Student (2006)
Remi Berthon, Faunal Specialist (2006)
Girish Bhat, Collaborator (2001)
Lauren Bigelow, Faunal Specialist (2000)
Chad Bouffard, Student (2005)
Tamara Bower, Illustrator (2001)
Scott Branting, Geophysical Specialist (1993, 1994, 2000)
Kaleigh Brooks, Student (2008)
Carl Burr, Technology Specialist (2000, 2001)
Tim Buttram, Object & Field Photographer, Website Designer (2008, 2012, 2013)
Aurora Camano, Trench Supervisor (2012, 2013)
Josh Cannon, Trench Supervisor (2012, 2013)
Jim Carlson, Lithics Specialist (2000, 2001)
Rob Caro, Student (2009)
Amy Chang, Student (2004)
Miriam Chernoff, Archeobotanical Specialist (1993, 1994)
Jon Clindaniel, Trench Supervisor (2009, 2013)
Peter Cobb, Pottery Specialist (2013)
Rob Cochran, Student (2004, 2006)
Jeannette Cooper, Student (2000)
Nathalie Costa, Student (1994, 1998)
Robin Dippie, Lab Assistant (2008)
Rowan Flad, Student (1994, 1999)
Kathy Geers, Collaborator (1998)
Hermann Genz, Collaborator (2001)
Gabi Castro Gessner, Trench Supervisor (2001, 2008)
Jenni Glaser, Student (2013)
Claudia Glatz, Pottery Specialist (2003, 2004)
Peter Grave, Pottery Specialist (2006)
Laurel Hackley, Illustrator, Trench Supervisor (2008, 2012, 2013)
Samantha Haines, Student (2009)
Sarah Harris, Student (2001)
Alicia Hartley, Student (2013)
Mary Jean Hughes, Illustrator (2006, 2008, 2012, 2013)
Eric Jean, Collaborator (1993)
Jill Jones, Student (2012)
Sarah Jones, Student (2005)
Philip Kaarsgaard, Student (1994)
Harrison Kanzler, Trench Supervisor (2009, 2012, 2013)
Lisa Kealhofer, Pottery Specialist (2006)
Burcu Keane, Trench Supervisor (2012)
Katie Klauenberg, Student (2009)
Katherine Kuzucuoğlu, Geomorphologist (1999, 2000)
Jonathan Lange, Student (1998)
Dominique Langis-Barsetti, Trench Supervisor (2013)
Tony Lauricella, Trench Supervisor (2013)
Amy Lloyd, Student (2004)
Tim McKillen, Student, GIS Specialist (2012)
Juliana McKittrick, Trench Supervisor (2005, 2006, 2008)
Meghan McMahon, Trench Supervisor (2005, 2006)
Janet Miess, Student (2005)
Yifei Mu, Student (2006)
Chris Munroe, Student (1993)
Oscar Muscarella, Collaborator (1993, 1994)
Emilee Nowak, Student (2005)
Anthony Orsini, Student (2009)
Holly 'An Oyster, Trench Supervisor (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003)
John Parker, Student (2009)
Brice Pearce, Student (2008)
Aurelia Perry, Student (1998, 2001)
Gabby Peyton, Student (2012)
Natasha Rakovic, Student (2000, 2001)
Jake Ransohoff, Student (2009)
Rebecca Redhouse, Student (2012)
Jacob Roodenberg, Collaborator (2009, 2012, 2013)
Katie Ross, Student (2005)
Anita Roszeff, Student (1994)
Kate Sarther, Student (1993)
Ulf-Dietrich Schoop, Collaborator (2001)
Stephanie Selover, Trench Supervisor (2012, 2013)
Amanda Shaffery, Student (2013)
Jim Siegl, Collaborator
Aaron Smith, Student (2005)
Alyson Snyder, Collaborator (1993, 1994)
Stefano Spagni, Metallurgy Specialist (2012, 2013)
Gail Thompson, Student (2005, 2006)
Yukiko Tonoike, Student (2005)
Brian Truelson, GIS Specialist (2009)
Ann Tully, Student (1993)
Madelynne von Baeyer, Archeobotanist (2012, 2013)
Sarah Voorhees, Student (2009)
Vanessa Weinert, Student (2006)
Catherine Weitz, Student (2000)
Orion Wellinghurst, Student (2008)
Konstance Westcott, Survey Specialist (1998)
Burcu Yıldırım, Student & Collaborator (2012, 2013)

If we have inadvertently left you off the list, please email us so we can restore you to the long and laudable history of Çadir participation!
Cadir Hoyuk
Designed by T. Buttram ©2008-2013