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Greg McMahon
Dr. Greg McMahon
  Project Director

Associate Professor of History, University of New Hampshire
Ph.D., Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

    Selected Publications:
  • With Gary Beckman and Richard Beal, eds., Hittite Studies in Honor of Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.: On the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2003).
  • "The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities," Assyriological Studies 25 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1991).

Sharon Steadman
Dr. Sharon Steadman
  Field Director & Project Co-Director

Associate Professor of Anthropology, SUNY Cortland
Ph.D., University of California - Berkeley

    Selected Publications:
  • Archaeology of Religion: Cultures and their Beliefs in Worldwide Context (San Francisco, CA: Left Coast Press, 2009).
  • “Isolation or Interaction: Prehistoric Cilicia and the Fourth Millennium Uruk Expansion,” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 9.2 (1996).
  • “Recent Research in the Archaeology of Architecture: Beyond the Foundations,” Journal of Archaeological Research 4 (1996).

Jenni Ross
Dr. Jenni Ross
  Associate Director

Associate Professor of Art and Archaeology & Chair of Art Department, Hood College
Ph.D., University of California - Berkeley

    Selected Publications:
  • "Representations, Reality and Ideology," in Archaeology of the Near East, edited by Susan Pollock & Richard Bernbeck (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004).
  • "Gender in Archaeology," report on sessions at ASOR annual conference, 2001, Journal of Gender Studies in Antiquity 2 (2001): 157-71.
  • "Text and Subtext: Politics and Precious Metals in Old Akkadian Mesopotamia," in Historiography in the Cuneiform World, Part I (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001).
  • "Gold in Pre-Islamic Persia," in Encyclopaedia Iranica XI/1 (2001): 68-72.

Marica Cassis
Dr. Marica Cassis
  Assistant Director & Byzantine Project Director

Assistant Professor of History, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Ph.D., University of Toronto

    Selected Publications:
  • "The Bema in the East Syriac Church in Light of New Archaeological Evidence," Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies, 5.2 (2002): .
  • "The Development of the Altar in the Early Christian Church" (Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, 2006).
  • "The Byzantine Settlement at Çadır Höyük," Anatolica 35 (2009).

Benjamin Arbuckle
Dr. Benjamin Arbuckle
  Assistant Director of Specialist Studies

Assistant Professor of Archaeology, Baylor University
Ph.D., Harvard University

    Selected Publications:
  • "The Faunal Remains from Çadır Höyük in Central Turkey," Anatolica 35 (2009).
  • "Special Studies - Revisiting Neolithic Caprine Exploitation at Suberde, Turkey," Journal of Field Archaeology 33.2 (2008): 219.
  • "The Evolution of Sheep and Goat Pastoralism and Social Complexity in Central Anatolia" (Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 2006).

Emre Şerifoğlu
Dr. Tevfik Emre Şerifoğlu
  Assistant Director

Assistant Professor of Archeology, Bitlis Eren University
Ph.D., Cambridge University

    Selected Publications:
  • "Between the Hittites and the Mittanians: The Malatya-Elazığ Area during the Late Bronze Age," Ancient Near Eastern Studies 48 (2011): 126-163.
  • "An Attempt to Identify the Late Bronze Age Cultural Provinces of the Carchemish-Harran Area," Akkadica 130/2 (2009): 167-188.
  • "The Malatya-Elazığ Region during the Middle Bronze Age: A Re-evaluation of the Archeological Evidence," Anatolian Studies 57 (2007): 101-114.
  • With C. Glatz and B.S. Düring, "Cide ve Şenpazar 2009-2010 Yılı Arkeolojik Araştırmaları," Belleten LXXVI/277 (2012): 719-754.
  • "An Archaeological Survey Performed along the Göksu River Valley in Turkey as a Part of a Doctoral Research," World Archaeological Congress Student Committee Website, June 2007. [http://www.worldarchaeologicalcongress.org/students/jamaica/e_session/Serifoglu.htm]

Bruce Verhaaren
Dr. Bruce Verhaaren
  Regional Survey and Geophysical Investigations

Environmental Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Ph.D., University of Chicago

    Selected Publications:
  • "Architecture and Archaeological Analysis: Between the Early and Middle Bronze Ages at Kurban Höyük, Turkey" (Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1989).

Alexia Smith
Dr. Alexia Smith

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Connecticut
Ph.D., Proefschrift University of Newcastle upon Tyne

    Selected Publications:
  • "Plant Use at Çadır Höyük, Central Anatolia," Anatolica 33 (2007): 169-184.
  • Review of Environmental Archaeology and the Social Order, by John G. Evans, Journal of Field Archaeology 30.1 (2005): 110.
  • "Climate, Culture, and Agriculture: Examining Change in the Near East during the Bronze and Iron Ages" (Ph.D. Dissertation, Proefschrift University of Newcastlet upon Tyne, 2005).
  • "The Relevance of Archaeological Studies in Ancient Agricultural Systems to Marginal Regions of the World" (M.A. Thesis, Boston University, 1998).

Jeff Geyer
Jeff Geyer
  Lithics Specialist

M.A., Hood College

Carola Manzano
Dr. Carola Manzano

Program Coordinator for the Center for Archaeology (CCA), Columbia University
Ph.D., Columbia University

Carol Schneider
Carol Schneider
  House Manager & Byzantine Specialist

Former Staff

Ronald Gorny
Ronald Gorny
  Project Director, 1992-2009

Academic Advisor, Ph.D., University of Chicago

    Selected Publications:
  • "The 1993 Season at Alişar Höyük in Central Turkey," Anatolica 20 (1994): 191-202.
  • "The 1999 Alişar Regional Project Season," Anatolica 26 (2000): 153-171.

Sam Paley
Samuel Paley
  Assistant Director, 1993-2009

Professor of Classics & Director of Judaic Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo
Ph.D., Columbia University

    Selected Publications:
  • With R. Sobolewski, The Reconstruction of the Relief-Representations and Their Positions in the Northwest Palace of Kalhu (Nimrud) Part III, (The Principal Entrances and Courtyards), (Mainz am Rhein, Germany: Verlag Phillip von Zabern, 1993).
  • With R. Sobolewski, The Reconstruction of the Relief-Representations and Their Positions in the Northwest Palace of Kalhu (Nimrud) Part II, (Rooms: I,S,T,Z and West Wing), (Mainz am Rhein, Germany: Verlag Phillip von Zabern, 1987).
  • King of the World: Ashur-nasir-pal II of Assyria (883-859 B.C.), (New York: The Brooklyn Museum, 1976).

Sinan Ünlüsoy
Sinan Ünlüsoy
  Assistant Director, 2012

M.A., Bilkent University

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